Voor wie ook naar NZ wil: onze hoogtepunten op een rij

6 april 2015 - Raglan, Nieuw-Zeeland


Rotorua...the Waikity Valley camping, with 10 hot pools for free.

Taupo...Reids farm reserve, 1 km from the Huka waterfall

Just past Otega... very nice cafe with free wifi 

just past Otaki... lunch at Quatters Acre, very nice after the boat from Picton

koitiata... Turanaki Beach Camp

Wanganui... Aramota outback camp

Thames Araru.. Dicksons HP

SH 25 beautiful road, Coromandel has fantastic nature !

North from Coromandel Town, 380 Driving Creek Rd, wonderful private made railroad trip, 1 hour $30 Pp



Zuid Eiland


Motueka...free wifi next to the museum cafe

2 Onekaka... the Mussel inn, very nice and free wifi

3 Ngarua Caves, guided nice

4 Blowholes, high tide, fantastic and Pancake rocks

5 Raparoa motor camp, nice

6 Christ Church.... New Brighton H P

7 Owaka, New Haven HP, great place, from the camp you walk to the beach where you will finf sealions, lying or just coming out of the water! Aussem! And they have a smallmrainforest. Such nice lady owners besides! Felt like a litle paradise.

8 . On tke way to Invergargill...lostgypsygallery (.com), great gallery, beautifull and lots of fun. Entrance onl $ 5. Go there

9. Road Kingston to Wanaka beautifull through the mountains up to 1000 m. 20 min.before Wanaka...Cardrona Hotel, built in 1883 and still sort of intact, very nice stp

10. Wanaka.... Aspiring HP! Nice and with spa baths


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5 Reacties

  1. Gaby & Manfred:
    6 april 2015
    Hi friends,
    we wish you a continuing nice trip to Fiji!
    We always enjoy your blogs, though we just understand 10% of it ;-)
    Of course you write in Dutch and the google Translator is doing a very bad job - LOL
    Take care!
    G & M
  2. John de vos:
    6 april 2015
    Prettige reis naar de Fiji hoor wel van jullie ben blij dat het allemaal goed gaat en jullie erg genieten grote john
  3. Wout:
    6 april 2015
    Goeie reis en veel plezier!
  4. Ben Brokers:
    7 april 2015
    Hi Janny & Han,
    Leuk om jullie te ''volgen'' tijdens deze wereld tour en alle verhalen te lezen, tezamen met alle foto's. Ziet er bijzonder goed uit !!
    Groetjes vanuit Utrecht (lokaal)
  5. Ronald:
    11 april 2015
    Ha Vakantiegangsters.... :-)
    Ik reageer ook maar eens.
    WOW.... mooie reisverhalen hoor + foto's!
    Ronald en Minke